Many couples feel overwhelmed if they have decided to try for a baby and don’t have success in the first few months. Acupuncture helps in a number of ways.
For women, we assess the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture regulates your cycle so that there are clear and predictable patterns of ovulation, and a period which is free from PMS, uterine cramps, breast pain and clotting. This is the core strategy for female fertility with acupuncture – whether or not there is a diagnosis of endometriosis, PCOS or another reproductive issue. Treatment is always completely individualised because what causes a problem in one woman may well be different to what causes that same problem in another woman.
For men we firstly aim to optimise sperm quality and then we look at general issues that can have an impact such as digestion, immunity, sleep, musical-skeletal pain or injuries and levels of systemic inflammation.
Addressing stress levels for both partners is very important – stay tuned for a separate post on this!
In the meantime, if you are trying to conceive naturally, try to tune into, and go with, your libido and remember it is considered normal for it to take up to 12 months.
Our acupuncturists Taryn, Jonathon and Rachel each have 20 years clinical experience – and have completed post-graduate studies in three unique style of Japanese Acupuncture – Toyo Hari, the Manaka Protocols and Kiiko Matsumoto Style.